Les résultats : https://www.jmgchrono.com/resultats/2024/jeuxdesophia/classements/cross/
Voici le parcours :
Max elevation: 181 m
Min elevation: 116 m
Total climbing: 207 m
Total descent: -202 m
Average speed: 10.79 km/h
Total time: 00:55:52
Les résultats : https://www.jmgchrono.com/resultats/2024/jeuxdesophia/classements/cross/
Voici le parcours :
Le site de l’organisation : https://lerouret.fr/rouretrail-24-mars-2024/ ou https://apedurouret.com/rouretrail/
Le parcours de 16 km :
Max elevation: 475 m
Min elevation: 291 m
Total climbing: 654 m
Total descent: -655 m
Average speed: 9.25 km/h
Total time: 01:57:45
Rubitrack : https://www.rubitrack.com/ .
The command done :
# psql -U user -d rubitrack psql (14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 10.15 (Ubuntu 10.15-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)) Type "help" for help. rubitrack=> CREATE table rubitrack ( date timestamp, timezonename varchar(20), countrycode varchar(10), division varchar(100), city varchar(100), location varchar(100), route varchar(100), activitytype varchar(100), mood varchar(100), constitution varchar(100), intensity varchar(100), equipment varchar(200), notes varchar(1000), tags varchar(200), temperature float, weather varchar(100), winddirection varchar(100), windspeed float, totalduration float, duration float, totaldistance float, distance float, avgspeed float, minspeed float, maxspeed float, ascent float, descent float, avgheartrate float, minheartrate float, maxheartrate float, calories int8, avgcadence float, mincadence float, maxcadence float, avgpower int8, minpower int8 , maxpower int8, totalenergy int8, trainingintensity float , trainingstresslevel int8, trimp int8, rating int8 ); CREATE TABLE rubitrack=> \copy rubitrack ( date , timezonename , countrycode , division , city , location , route , activitytype , mood , constitution , intensity , equipment , notes , tags , temperature , weather , winddirection , windspeed , totalduration , duration , totaldistance , distance , avgspeed , minspeed , maxspeed , ascent , descent , avgheartrate , minheartrate , maxheartrate , calories , avgcadence , mincadence , maxcadence , avgpower , minpower , maxpower , totalenergy , trainingintensity , trainingstresslevel , trimp , rating ) FROM './RubiTrack.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER; COPY 10445 rubitrack=> \quit
After it’s possible to do test with Grafana :
SELECT date_trunc('month',date)::date AS "time", activitytype as metric, sum(totaldistance) FROM rubitrack WHERE $__timeFilter(date) and (activitytype like 'Exercise Biking%' or activitytype like 'Biking%' or activitytype like 'E-Biking%' or activitytype like 'Mountain Biking%' or activitytype like 'BMX%' or activitytype like 'E-Mountain Biking%' ) GROUP BY date_trunc('month',date)::date ,activitytype ORDER BY date_trunc('month',date)::date ASC
With sum(totaldistance)/1000
Superbe trail de Greolière, quand ce Trail est en même temps que l’urban trail de Cannes sans hésitation je fais le Trail des crêtes. Le vrai esprit Trail ! Et le parcours est superbe.
Le parcours :
Photos :
Et pour accompagner le vin chaud :