(See the finale release : https://www.cyber-neurones.org/2019/02/diaro-app-pixel-crater-ltd-diarobackup-xml-how-to-migrate-data-to-joplin/ )
I have issue with ressources (link between ressources and notes) …. error 404. The logs in : .config/joplin-desktop/log-clipper.txt
....: "Request: PUT /ressources/71dd2cba2af54c4ebb53fb7fd8d0543b/notes/cbbc6076b2ac321ccae1f036a2fe6659?token=...."
....: "Error: Not Found
Error: Not Found
at Api.route (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/services/rest/Api.js:103:41)
at execRequest (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/ClipperServer.js:147:39)
at IncomingMessage.request.on (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/ClipperServer.js:185:8)
at emitNone (events.js:105:13)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:207:7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1045:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)"
My last code :
# Version 2
# for Python 3
# ARIAS Frederic
# Sorry ... It's difficult for me the python :)
#from lxml import etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import json
import requests
import os
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
start = time.time()
ip = ""
port = "41184"
token = "ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123"
url_notes = (
url_folders = (
url_tags = (
url_ressources = (
Diaro_UID = "12345678901234567801234567890123"
Lat = {}
Lng = {}
UID = {}
TAGS = {}
Lat[""] = ""
Lng[""] = ""
payload = {
"id": Diaro_UID,
"title": "Diaro Import"
resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload)
resp_dict = resp.json()
print("My ID")
Diaro_UID_real = resp_dict['id']
save = str(resp_dict['id'])
UID[Diaro_UID]= save
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("Network error:", e)
print("Start : Parse Table")
tree = etree.parse("./DiaroBackup.xml")
for table in tree.iter('table'):
name = table.attrib.get('name')
myorder = 1
for r in table.iter('r'):
myuid = ""
mytitle = ""
mylat = ""
mylng = ""
mytags = ""
mydate = ""
mydate_ms = 0;
mytext = ""
myfilename = ""
myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
mylocation_uid = ""
myprimary_photo_uid = ""
myentry_uid = ""
myorder += 1
for subelem in r:
if (subelem.tag == 'uid'):
myuid = subelem.text
print ("myuid",myuid)
if (subelem.tag == 'entry_uid'):
myentry_uid = subelem.text
print ("myentry_uid",myentry_uid)
if (subelem.tag == 'primary_photo_uid'):
myprimary_photo_uid = subelem.text
print ("myprimary_photo_uid",myprimary_photo_uid)
if (subelem.tag == 'folder_uid'):
myfolder_uid = subelem.text
print ("myfolder_uid",myfolder_uid)
if (subelem.tag == 'location_uid'):
mylocation_uid = subelem.text
print ("mylocation_uid",mylocation_uid)
if (subelem.tag == 'date'):
mydate = subelem.text
mydate_ms = int(mydate)
print ("mydate",mydate," in ms",mydate_ms)
if (subelem.tag == 'title'):
mytitle = subelem.text
print ("mytitle",mytitle)
#if type(mytitle) == str:
#mytitle = mytitle.encode('utf8')
if (subelem.tag == 'lat'):
mylat = subelem.text
print ("mylat",mylat)
if (subelem.tag == 'lng'):
mylng = subelem.text
print ("mylng",mylng)
if (subelem.tag == 'tags'):
mytags = subelem.text
if mytags:
print ("mytags",mytags)
if (subelem.tag == 'text'):
mytext = subelem.text
print ("mytext",mytext)
#if type(mytext) == str:
#mytext = mytext.encode('utf8')
if (subelem.tag == 'filename'):
myfilename = subelem.text
print ("myfilename",myfilename)
if (name == 'diaro_folders'):
payload_folder = {
"id": myuid,
"title": mytitle,
"parent_id": Diaro_UID_real
resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload_folder)
resp_dict = resp.json()
save = str(resp_dict['id'])
UID[myuid]= save
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("Network error:", e)
if (name == 'diaro_tags'):
payload_tags = {
"id": myuid,
"title": mytitle
resp = requests.post(url_tags, json=payload_tags)
resp_dict = resp.json()
UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
TAGS[myuid] = mytitle
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("Network error:", e)
if (name == 'diaro_attachments'):
payload_ressource = {
"id": myuid
filename = "./media/photo/"+myfilename
files = {'document': open(filename, 'rb')}
files2 = {'data': open(filename, 'rb')}
files3 = {'data': open(filename, 'rb'), 'props': payload_ressource}
data_ressource = {
"title": myfilename
multiple_files = [
('data', (myfilename, open(filename, 'rb'))),
('props', data_ressource)]
headers = {'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data'}
print("Push : "+filename);
#print os.path.isfile(filename)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=filename, json=payload_ressource)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files, json=payload_ressource, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files2, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files2, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = {'data' : (myfilename, open(filename, 'rb'), 'image/jpg')}, data = {'id' : myuid}, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = files2, data= data_ressource, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = multiple_files, headers=headers)
#resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = multiple_files)
#if (resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok):
# resp_dict = resp.json()
# print(resp_dict)
# print(resp_dict['id'])
# UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
#except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
#print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
#except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
#print("Network error:", e)
cmd = "curl -F 'data=@"+filename+"' -F 'props={\"title\":\""+myfilename+"\"}' http://"+ip+":"+port+"/resources?token="+token
resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
respj = json.loads(resp)
#resp_dict = respj.json()
UID[myuid]= respj['id']
print("Link : ",myuid," => ",myentry_uid," // ",UID[myuid]+" => ",UID[myentry_uid])
cmd = "curl -X PUT http://"+ip+":"+port+"/ressources/"+UID[myuid]+"/notes/"+UID[myentry_uid]+"?token="+token
resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
print (resp)
#url_link = (
# "http://"+ip+":"+port+"/ressources/"+UID[myuid]+"/notes/"+UID[myentry_uid]+"?"
# "token="+token
# )
# resp = requests.post(url_link)
# #time.sleep(1)
# resp.raise_for_status()
# resp_dict = resp.json()
# print(resp_dict)
# print(resp_dict['id'])
# UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
#except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
# print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
#except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# print("Network error:", e)
if (name == 'diaro_locations'):
Lat[myuid] = mylat
Lng[myuid] = mylng
if (name == 'diaro_entries'):
if not mytext:
mytext = ""
if not myfolder_uid:
myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
if not mytags:
mytags = ""
if not mylocation_uid:
mylocation_uid = ""
mytext = mytext.replace("'", "")
mytitle = mytitle.replace("'", "")
mytext = mytext.strip("\'")
mytitle = mytitle.strip("\'")
mytext = mytext.strip('(')
mytitle = mytitle.strip('(')
listtags = mytags.split(",")
new_tagslist = "";
for uid_tags in listtags:
if (len(uid_tags) > 2):
if uid_tags in UID:
new_tagslist = new_tagslist + TAGS[uid_tags] + ",";
print ("TAGS",mytags,"==>",new_tagslist);
payload_note = {
"id": myuid,
"latitude": Lat[mylocation_uid],
"longitude": Lng[mylocation_uid],
"tags": new_tagslist,
"parent_id": UID[myfolder_uid],
"title": mytitle,
#"created_time": mydate_ms,
"user_created_time": mydate_ms,
"user_updated_time": mydate_ms,
"author": "Diaro",
"body": mytext
resp = requests.post(url_notes, json=payload_note)
resp_dict = resp.json()
UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("Network error:", e)
print("End : Parse Table")
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
done = time.time()
elapsed = done - start
# END : Ouf ...