… Or why not say that it fails because of SIP ?
When I see the logs /var/log/install.log in « Safe Mode », I see this command newfs_hfs -J -U 0 -G 0 -v Recovery HD /dev/rdisk0s3 :
2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[708]: diskmanagement: rawLaunch: execve(2) pid=708 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/newfs_hfs -J -U 0 -G 0 -v Recovery HD /dev/rdisk0s3 . 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: rawLaunch_block_invoke: waitpid(2) pid=708 ret/errno=708/10 status=0x00000100 exit=1 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition populateBooter:verifyType:verifyMinSize:clearMode:copierForRecoveryFiles:hostOSXForBootRootFiles:statusReportingDisk:percentBegin:percentEnd:]: retErr=-69832 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition ensureBooter:storage:phyUDS:logUDS:phyREF:logREF:copierForRecoveryFiles:hostOSXForBootRootFiles:recBSD:percentBegin:percentEnd:]: retErr=-69832 outDisk=(null) 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition ensureRecoveryPartitionForVolume:]: at exit; err=-69832 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition ensureRecoveryPartitionForVolume:]: output recoveryDiskBSD=(null) physicalDonorBSD=disk0s2 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX diskmanagementd[454]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition ensureRecoveryPartitionForVolume:] 2018-05-05 15:36:46+02 XXXX system_installd[459]: replaceRecovery: HFS/CS EnsureRecoveryPartition: Error: File system formatter failed (-69832)
But this command works only without SIP ?!
So the best way (in my opinion), before launch this command (newfs_hfs) is to do « csrutil status ». If the status is disabled, so it’s ok. But if not, OPEN A WINDOWS AND WRITE » Please boot on recovery OS, and disabled the SIP « .
It’s impossible to understand this error for normal user !!!
2018-05-05 15:41:20+02 XXXX softwareupdated[694]: xpc_add_bundle /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.framework/XPCServices/ManualProductStasherService.xpc 2018-05-05 15:41:20+02 XXXX softwareupdate_notify_agent[769]: Notifying with params: { PostLogoutUpdatesInstalled = { "091-76232" = { ErrorCode = 112; ErrorDomain = PKInstallErrorDomain; InstalledLater = 0; State = Error; }; }; UpdateNotificationsOnly = 1; } 2018-05-05 15:41:20+02 XXXX softwareupdate_notify_agent[769]: appstoreupdateagent notified