PHPNET.ORG : « Your site was down for approximately 59 mins, but is up again as of Friday, July 27, 5:04 pm. »
Les précédentes pannes :
- Your site was down for approximately 3 mins, but is up again as of Thursday, February 15 – 2018, 5:45 pm.
- Your site was down for approximately 1 day, but is up again as of Sunday, January 22 – 2017, 11:33 pm.
- Your total downtime was 18 mins, but your site was up again as of Friday, February 26 – 2016, 2:22 am.
- Your total downtime was 3 mins, but your site was up again as of Wednesday, March 2 – 2016, 12:12 pm.
A suivre.