Encore et toujours du SPAM :
Return-Path: <bounce@gmode.com.de>
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Level: *****
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=5.4 required=5.0 tests=COUNTRY2,HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_02,
X-Spam-Relay-Country: UA
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on spamd9.phpnet.org
* 3.0 COUNTRY2 No description available.
* -0.0 SPF_HELO_PASS SPF: HELO matches SPF record
* -0.0 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record
* 1.6 RCVD_IN_BRBL_LASTEXT RBL: No description available.
* [ listed in bb.barracudacentral.org]
* 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
* 0.8 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_02 BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 08:39:46 +0000
Subject: Les meilleurs vins italiens en ligne
From: Giordano Vini via Kartsoft <newsletter@gmode.com.de>
Reply-To: Giordano Vini via Kartsoft <newsletter@gmode.com.de>
X-Sender: bounce@gmode.com.de
X-Report-Abuse: Please report abuse for this campaign here:
X-Bsos-Tracking-Did: 24
X-Bsos-Subscriber-Uid: xx539gny0e189
X-Bsos-Mailer: SwiftMailer - 5.4.x
X-Bsos-EBS: http://www.gmode.com.de/index.php/lists/block-address
X-Bsos-Delivery-Sid: 252
X-Bsos-Customer-Uid: vb481pq27fbe6
X-Bsos-Customer-Gid: 2
X-Bsos-Campaign-Uid: tv1349gha19b5
Les domaines dans le SPAM :
- octopustech.com .
- gmode.com.de .
- webperformance.it ( contact : https://www.webperformance.it/contatti ) .
- wmrm-xbr.com : trackers (Pixel WebMedia RM, contact : http://wmrm-xbr.com/affiliation-contact.php )
- les paramètres (pour faire un script CURL et pourrir les statistiques ):
- type=3D
- idc=3D926
- idv=3D1302
- cand=3D6828
- les paramètres (pour faire un script CURL et pourrir les statistiques ):